Friday 5 June 2009

Airbus - keeping heads down

I have just heard that Airbus is about to disappear from public viewing. The European manufacturer has withdrawn its advertising from trade and public media around the world as a mark of respect to those who lost their lives in the Air France crash earlier this week.
That seems like an odd decision to me.
Air France has handled the tragedy extremely well. Within hours of the crash being suspected the airline had taken away the graphic element of its website and reflected the sorrow.
It did still take bookings and carried on with its business.
The protection of a brand is as important when times are bad as it is when things are going well.
Airbus is currently facing one of the toughest sales times in its history. The airline industry is suffering. It has several programmes facing scrutiny by the industry.
And so it hides.
Everyone associated with the aviation industry shares the sorrow and the grief regarding that ill-fated flight. We know it is a rarity. But people must keep flying. Airlines must continue to invest in new aircraft that are well built, that are technologically superior and above all safe. Aircraft manufacturers should be shouting from the rooftops not hiding in their shells ... unless of course they know something different.

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